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Data protection and data management policy

EV Kertész Mihály (hereinafter: Data Controller) manages the data of website visitors, website registrants and customers (hereinafter collectively Data Subject) during the operation of its website. We collect and process all personal data exclusively in accordance with the law. A system message can be sent without separate consent, but a DM letter can only be sent with consent. Your data will be stored as securely as possible, and will only be passed on to third parties with your consent. You can request clarification or deletion of your personal data in writing at and

Name and contact information of data controller

Name of the data controller: EV Kertész Mihály
Mailing address of the data controller: 1132 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 61.
The email address of the data controller is
The telephone number of the data controller is +36 30 165 20 88
Registration number of the data controller: 59131478
Tax number of the data controller: 90009565-1-41

The purpose of the data protection policy

The purpose of this Data Protection and Data Management Policy (hereinafter: Policy) is that Kertész Mihály EV (head office: 1132 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 61.; registration number: 59131478; phone number: +36 30 165 20 88; tax number: 90009565-1-41 ) and the Company’s data protection and data management policy. The data controller acknowledges the content of this legal notice as binding on itself. It undertakes to ensure that all data management related to its activities meets the requirements set out in these regulations and the applicable legislation. In connection with the management of the data, the Data Controller hereby informs the Users about the personal data it manages on the Website, the principles and practices followed in the management of personal data, as well as the manner and possibilities of exercising the rights of the data subjects.
The service provider respects the personal rights of its website visitors; handles recorded personal data confidentially, in accordance with data protection legislation and international recommendations, in accordance with this data management statement. The Data Manager reserves the right to change this information at any time, the Data Provider will inform the Users about its entry into force, the data subjects must accept the modifications in order to continue using the website in the manner provided by the Data Manager. The principles and procedures set out in this data protection information sheet comply with CXII of 2011 on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information. Act (“Infotv”) and Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (“Regulation”).

The scope, time and purpose of the processed personal data

Technical data
During the use of the Website, the Data Controller automatically records the User’s IP address, the type of operating system and browser used by the User and other information for technical reasons. The system continuously logs this data, but does not link it to the data entered during registration or during use. Only the Service Provider has access to the data obtained in this way, not the Users.
The Service Provider may record the data of the Internet pages from which the User reached the Website, as well as those visited on the Website, as well as the time and duration of the visit. It is not possible to infer the person or profile of the person concerned from these data.
The computer of visitors to the Website is stored in a so-called identifies it with a cookie.
The Data Controller uses the technical data exclusively for the technical operation of the Website and for statistical purposes.

Data stored in relation to interested e-mails sent to e-mail addresses, which are not connected to the service, and their management
Data processed: e-mail address, name, telephone number, if the letter writer has also provided this.
Purpose of data management: contact.
Legal basis for data management: consent of the data subject.
Duration of data management: until withdrawal of consent.

Other data management
We provide information on data management not listed in this information when the data is collected. Courts, prosecutors, investigative authorities, infringement authorities, public administrative authorities, the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority, or other bodies based on the authorization of the law, may contact the Data Controller in order to provide information, communicate or transfer data, or make documents available. If the authority has specified the exact purpose and the scope of the data, personal data will only be released to the authorities to the extent and to the extent that is absolutely necessary to achieve the purpose of the request.

User rights and remedies

The data subject is entitled at any time to request information about his/her personal data managed by the Data Controller, and to modify them at any time. The person concerned is also entitled to request the deletion of their data via the contact details provided in this point.
The data subject may request information from the Data Controller about the processing of his personal data, correction of his personal data, deletion or blocking of his personal data, except for mandatory data processing, limitation of data processing, and may object to data processing.

Rights of data subjects
Access right
Right to rectification
Right to erasure
Right to restriction of data processing
Right to data portability

The data subject can exercise his rights at the following contact details:
Mailing address: Mihály Kertész EV 1132 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 61.
With any questions or comments related to data management, the data subject can contact the Data Controller via the above contact details.
The data controller is obliged to provide the information in writing, in an understandable form, in the same manner as the request, as soon as possible, no later than 25 days after the submission of the request.
The data subject has the right to request the correction or deletion of his/her incorrectly recorded data at any time. The Data Subject can correct some of his data on the Website; in other cases, the Data Controller will delete the data within 3 working days from the receipt of the request, in which case they will not be recoverable.
The data subject has the opportunity to request the deletion of his personal data, which the Data Controller will comply with within 15 days at the latest. The deletion does not apply to data processing required by law (e.g. accounting regulations), which are retained by the Data Controller for the necessary period.
At the request of the data subject, the Data Controller restricts the data processing if the accuracy of the personal data is disputed, or the data processing is illegal, or in case of the Data Subject’s objection to the data processing, and if the Data Controller no longer needs the personal data.
The data subject is also entitled to receive the personal data provided by him/her in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format, and is also entitled to transfer this data to another data controller without the Data Controller hindering this, if the necessary conditions exist.
Affected by the Capital Court, 1055 Budapest, Markó u. 27, or at the choice of the data subject, the data subject may assert his rights before the county court of his place of residence/seat (legislative background: Act CXII of 2011 on the right to informational self-determination and freedom of information, Section 22 (1)). You can also request the President of the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority: Dr. Attila Péterfalvi (1024 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.,,, Tel.: +36-1/391-1400) help too.
The Data Controller may refuse to provide information to the data subject only in the cases and for the reasons specified in the Infotv. or the Regulation. In such a case, the Data Controller informs the data subject in writing that the refusal to provide information was based on which provision of the Infotv. In case of refusal to provide information, the Data Controller will inform the data subject of the legal remedies available.
If the Data Subject provided the data of a third party during the registration to use the service, the Data Controller will provide all possible assistance to the acting authorities in order to establish the identity of the infringer.

Cookie policy

We use cookies on our websites. Personally, we cannot and do not want to identify you based on the information stored in them, we only use it to know whether you have visited our website before, and if so, which pages you have viewed, and based on which of our services you may be most interested in. You have the option to refuse these cookies through your browser settings, but in this case you may not be able to use all the services of our website.

What are cookies?
The given website stores small text files on your computer, mobile phone or tablet when you visit. This can be used to remember, for example, the username for a certain period of time so that you don’t have to re-enter it every time. The operation of several similar convenience services requires that you allow the use of cookies. We do not sell cookies or data collected using cookies to third parties, nor do we use them for identification.
What do we use cookies for?
our website keeps track of it with the help of cookies
display settings, e.g. font size settings
browser type and version, operating system, referring URL (previously viewed website), IP address of the computer used for access, and date and time of visit
have you answered any of our current satisfaction survey questionnaires?
whether or not you have agreed to our website using cookies
what products you have added to your shopping cart
patterns of visitation and user behavior, which enables the development of our website and services
We record this data for internal and statistical purposes only.
Our website can use the following cookies:
Temporary cookies strictly necessary for operation: these temporary data are only stored in the cookie file until the end of browsing. These are essential for the proper functioning of certain functions related to our website.
Cookies for improving the user experience: they collect information about the user’s use of the website, for example, which pages are visited most often or what error message is received from the website. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor, that is, they work with completely general, anonymous information. We use the data obtained from these to improve the performance of the website. The lifetime of these types of cookies is limited to the duration of the session.

Cookies received from third parties:
– Google Analytics
_street; _utmb; _utmv; _utmz; _utmx: These cookies collect anonymous data about how visitors use our website, based on which we can improve usability. It is not possible to identify the User. More information:

dater; see; reg_ext_ref; reg_fb_gate; reg_fb_ref; wd: You can share the content of our website with your friends on Facebook. This service may leave cookies on your computer over which we have no control. With the help of a Facebook remarketing code, the Data Manager displays various promotions for the user. It is not possible to identify the User.

__path; __utmb; __utmc; __utmv; __utmz; _twitter_session; external_referer; guest_id; k; original_referer: You can share the content of our website with your friends on the social network Twitter. This service may leave cookies on your computer over which we have no control. It is not possible to identify the User.
GALX; GAPS; GoogleAccountsLocale_session: You can share the content of our website with your friends on Google’s social network. This service may leave cookies on your computer over which we have no control. It is not possible to identify the User.

– Google AdWords
NID and SID cookies: The website uses Google Adwords remarketing tracking codes. The remarketing code uses cookies to tag visitors. Website users have the option to disable these cookies. It is not possible to identify the User.

The Website contains remarketing tags for the purpose of building a remarketing list, so after visiting it, external service providers, including Google and Facebook, can display advertisements on their websites, these so-called interest-based advertising. The remarketing lists are not suitable for personal identification, they do not contain the visitor’s personal data, they only identify the browser software. Providers use cookies for remarketing tags. The website is called uses conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of Google Adwords ads. The conversion tracking cookie only exists for a limited time, its acceptance is optional, it does not record or use any personal information.

The Website contains remarketing tags for the purpose of building a remarketing list, so after visiting it, external service providers, including Google and Facebook, can display advertisements on their websites, these so-called interest-based advertising. The remarketing lists are not suitable for personal identification, they do not contain the visitor’s personal data, they only identify the browser software. Providers use cookies for remarketing tags. The website is called uses conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of Google Adwords ads. The conversion tracking cookie only exists for a limited time, its acceptance is optional, it does not record or use any personal information.

Visitation analysis: Our website stores reports and analyzes of user data using general and/or automatic statistical methods for an unlimited period of time. Any personal data of the informant cannot be reproduced from this data by any means. We do not link personal data collected in the online store with any data from other sources that are not aimed at keeping the customer in contact with the Service Provider.

If you want to know more about the topic, there are many articles available on the internet, for example and in Hungarian -on the Internet/

You can read more about changing the cookie settings in your browser’s help or on the link below:

Mozilla Firefox:

Google Chrome:

Internet Explorer:



The user can delete cookies from his computer or disable the use of cookies in his browser. Cookies can usually be managed in the Tools/Settings menu of browsers under the Data protection/History/Personal settings menu under the names cookie, cookie or tracking.

Other provisions

The Data Controller revises this information every year. The Service Provider reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Privacy Statement with prior notification to the Data Subject. The data controller is also obliged to revise the information in this information sheet if a significant change in legislation enters into force, or if its data protection and data management processes and procedures change significantly. In such cases, the Data Controller will appropriately modify this information and publish it on its website, drawing attention to the changes. Our website is not responsible for the data management practices of other external websites. The data manager does not check the personal data provided to him. The person providing the data is solely responsible for the adequacy of the data provided. When any Data Subject provides his/her e-mail address, he/she also assumes responsibility for the fact that only he/she uses the service from the given e-mail address.

Data management information from customer service and joint inquiries submitted during the quotation

Inquiries / e-mail contact
Purposes/legal basis of data management:
Personal data (e.g. name, address, contact details, other voluntarily provided personal data) provided by e-mail or post by filling in the contact interface available in the Contact menu item available on the Kertész Mihály EV website – – will of course be treated confidentially. In any case, your provided data will only be processed for purposes directly related to your inquiry (e.g. request for a quote, error report, information, general information, complaint report, etc.). The legal basis for data management is point f) of Article 6 (1) of the GDPR.

Customer service information on data management

In the following, we will inform you in detail about our data management during your inquiry to our customer service, according to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
According to Article 7, paragraph 4) of the Regulation, the data controller is EV Kertész Mihály. Phone number of the data controller: +36 30 165 20 88, e-mail address: Online customer service:
Your personal data provided on the Customer Portal, by phone or e-mail will of course be treated as confidential in all cases, and will be used solely for the purpose of answering your inquiry. The purpose of data management is to answer inquiries. The legal basis for data management is legitimate interest according to Article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the regulation, that is, in this case, answering inquiries, handling error reports, and providing services.
Data deletion deadline: one month.

Effective date of grant

This information is effective from June 22, 2024.
Dated: Budapest, June 22, 2024.